The Akron Legal News

Login | February 22, 2025

The Akron Legal News, Akron Ohio, Summit County Ohio

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Speeches and poetry from youth highlight event in detention

AKRON––Self-expression is a form of self-awareness.
That was put on full display at a recent event in the Summit County Juvenile Court’s Detention Center.
Six youth in the detention center accepted the challenge to write material and recite it before a group of onlookers.
It was labeled as a competit ... (full story)

Untreated sewage and fertilizer runoff threaten the Florida manatee's main food source, contributing to malnutrition

(THE CONVERSATION) The gentle, slow-moving Florida manatee has no natural predators.
And yet, these charismatic mammals face numerous threats.
Manatees are struck by vessels in busy waterways across the state, and a majority bear scars from these collisions.
Harmful algal blooms – characterized by the rapid growth ... (full story)

How Native Americans guarded their societies against tyranny

(THE CONVERSATION) When the founders of the United States designed the Constitution, they were learning from history that democracy was likely to fail – to find someone who would fool the people into giving him complete power and then end the democracy.
They designed checks and balances to guard against the accumulation of ... (full story)

Only 5.3% of welders in the US are women. After years as a writing professor, I became one − here's what I learned

(THE CONVERSATION) Although I have a good gig as a full professor at Iowa State University, I've daydreamed about learning a trade – something that required both my mind and my hands.
So in 2018, I started night courses in welding at Des Moines Area Community College. For three years, I studied different types of welding a ... (full story)

Military veterans are disproportionately affected by suicide, but targeted prevention can help reverse the tide

(THE CONVERSATION) America's military veterans make up about 6% of the adult population but account for about 20% of all suicides. That means that each day, about 18 veterans will die by suicide.
In the U.S., the overall rate of suicide has largely increased since the start of the millennium, but veterans are disproportionately ... (full story)